23 Performances – 45 Participants – 15 Countries Argentina – Belgium – Bolivia – Chile – Colombia – Germany – Iraq – Italy – Mexico – Morocco – Peru – Spain – Switzerland – The Netherlands – Uruguay 603 Spectators – 120 Public Opinions
Artists & Performances:

Participant: Alejandra Darriulat Performance: LOTUS POETRY With the poets: Badr Al Swete, Bruno Mercier, Carlos Trafic, Hussein Nhaba, Juan C. Tajes, Mohamed Abid, Patricia Cardona Roca, Ramón Haniotis, Rik van Boeckel. Country: Germany, Iraq, Morocco, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Uruguay Languages: Arabic/ Dutch/ English/ French/ Spanish Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Sunday 15 - 16:00 hrs. Synopsis: Emigrant Poems - Arab and Spanish speaking poets living in Europe.

Participant: Alejandra Nettel
Country: Mexico
Language: Spanish
Place & Date: ASTAROTHEATRO - September 2019 - Saturday 14 - 21:30 hrs.
Synopsis: An awkward journey to make our last trip first class.

Participant: Alex Etchart Performance: QUEER PERFORMANCE, ART, SONGS & STORYTELLING Country: England Language: English Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Saturday 14 - 20:00 hrs Synopsis: An anglo-uruguayan folk singer firetending both the South American and British Isles/Irish folk traditions brings together American folk and Queer Performance Art, through songs and storytelling. Performance: Interactive Vocal Performance Country: England Language: English/ Spanish Place & Date: STREET & JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Thursday 12 - 17:30 hrs. and Sunday 15 - 20 hrs. Synopsis: A street choir, welcoming everyone, with or without singing experience, singing songs of migration, welcome, solidarity, in Spanish, English, and more ...

Participant: Anne Van Delft
Performance: THE THIRD NAME
Country: The Netherlands
Language: Dutch
Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Thursday 12 - 19:30 hrs.
Synopsis: A super honest, virtous, witty story about what to do if you tell stories all your life, and then.

Participant: Carlos Trafic
Performance: VIDA EXPLICADA (Life explained)
Country: Argentine
Language: Spanish
Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Friday 13 - 20:30 hrs.
Synopsis: Reality is an impostory word. Wants to make us believe that we know it.
Imagination promise more; Helps us to detox.

Participant: Christa Mierás
Performance: TANGO
Country: The Netherlands
Language: Dutch / English
Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Saturday 14 - 18:00 hrs.
Synopsis: Plays in the piano the sparkling tangos, waltzes and milongas of Salgán, Piazzolla, Troilo and others.

Participant: Christian Jara Sepúlveda
Performance: EL ANGEL DE LA CULPA (The angel of guilt)
Country: Chile
Language: Spanish
Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Friday 13 - 19:00 hrs.
Synopsis: Free version of the text by Marco Antonio de la Parra.
A policeman transits between the delicate line of the fulfillment of his duty and the latent and atrophic corruption. Direction: Martha Villada Márquez

Participant: Claribel Rodríguez Castillo
Performance: PURO CUENTO (Pure tale)
Country: Colombia
Language: Spanish
Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Thursday 12 - 20:00 hrs.
Synopsis: It's an encounter with fantasy and reality, with life and the desire to dream, to visit another world through the word, it is a moment full of magic, without saying "abracadabra".

Participant: Grainne Delaney
Performance: VANITY JONES
Country: Ireland
Language: English
Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Saturday 14 - 18:30 hrs.
Synopsis: You know this lady - the only thing she has between herself and death is perfume!

Participant: Josephine Colsen
Country: The Netherlands
Language: Dutch / French
Place & Date: JOSEPHINE COLSEN STUDIO - September 2019 - Friday 13, Saturday 14 & Sunday 15 - 13 to 20:00 hrs.
Synopsis: Josephine Colsen likes to mix rebellion and nostalgia!

Participant: Juan C. Tajes Performance: BETWEEN WORMS & GODS Country: Uruguay - The Netherlands Language: English Place & Date: ASTAROTHEATRO - September 2019 - Saturday 14 - 20:00 hrs. Synopsis: The truth behind the mask. A mask play for believers and not believers. “The idea of God has its origine in the human brain” We invented Ideas. Ideas originated the gods. Who invented the gods? What happened next... Performance: LOVE & EROS Language: English Place & Date: LA CONDOMERIE - September 2019 - Friday 13 - 21:30 hrs. Performance: TANGO Language: English JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Saturday 14 - 18:00 hrs. Performance: LOTUS POETRY Language: English/ Spanish JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Sunday 15 - 16:00 hrs.

Participant: Julian Wijnstein
Country: Suriname
Language: Dutch
Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Thursday 12 - 19:00 hrs.
Synopsis: Julian is the narrator. Tabo is the black boy in the painting.
A story about WIC, about sweet and sour tamarind, and about beans.

Participant: Ksenia Marasanova van Veen Performance: RUSSIAN LISTENING SONGS Country: Russia Language: Russian Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Sunday 15 - 19:00 hrs. Synopsis: A Russian listening song tells a story. The story of desire, war, love, protest, justice - the Russian listening songs all have that because they are a reflection of the spirit of the times.

Participant: Lucía Rojo
Performance: MY PROJECT (paintings)
Country: Spain
Language: Spanish/ English
Place & Date: JOSEPHINE COLSEN STUDIO - September 2019 - Friday 13, Saturday 14 & Sunday 15 - 13 to 20:00 hrs.
Synopsis: My Project is about movements and rhythms abstractions of different human bodies observed in a lot of situations. The Project consists of some paintings, which came from several sketches taken in situ of this kind of movements.

Participant: Mabel González
Country: Uruguay - The Netherlands
Language: Dutch
Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Saturday 14 - 19:00 hrs.
Synopsis: A woman talks about her life in a simple neighborhood in Buenos Aires and about the act that gave her local fame. We should not mention this act here.

Participant: Mariana Behoteguy Chávez
Performance: MATRIA LIBRE (Free Matria)
Country: Bolivia
Language: Bodily/ Spanish
Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Friday 13 - 18:30 hrs.
Synopsis: A collective co-creation project that claims political dance. The piece tells the story of a woman. It may be Kurdish, Palestinian, Mapuche or Burmese living the conflict that denies the existence of its people.

Participant: Martha Villada Márquez
Performance: DE PURO MILAGRO (Of pure miracle)
Country: Colombia
Language: Spanish
Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Friday 13 - 19:30 hrs.
Synopsis: Joy and love in times of war. Concept, Act and Direction: Martha Villada Márquez

Participant: Matteo Pasquini
Performance: 16 MINUTES
Country: Italy
Language: English
Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Friday 13 - 20:00 hrs.
Synopsis: "When that fish truck picked us up?" "Yes, and we ended up in the back with all the trout." "They told us they had plans, solutions, that we together could fix everything." "And now you’re sleeping under their careful watch: if you just hint that you want to wake up... they strike back."

Participant: Mohamed Abid Performance: LOTUS POETRY With the poets: Alejandra Darriulat, Badr Al Swete, Bruno Mercier, Carlos Trafic, Hussein Nhaba, Juan C. Tajes, Patricia Cardona Roca, Ramón Haniotis, Rik van Boeckel. Country: Germany, Iraq, Morocco, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Uruguay Languages: Arabic/ Dutch/ English/ French/ Spanish Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Sunday 15 - 16:00 hrs. Synopsis: Emigrant Poems - Arab and Spanish speaking poets living in Europe.

Participant: Patricia Cardona Roca
Performance: 16 MINUTES
Country: Spain
Language: English
Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Friday 13 - 20:00 hrs.
Synopsis: "When that fish truck picked us up?" "Yes, and we ended up in the back with all the trout." "They told us they had plans, solutions, that we together could fix everything." "And now you’re sleeping under their careful watch: if you just hint that you want to wake up... they strike back."

Participant: Ramón Haniotis Performance: LOTUS POETRY With the poets: Alejandra Darriulat, Badr Al Swete, Bruno Mercier, Carlos Trafic, Hussein Nhaba, Juan C. Tajes, Mohamed Abid, Patricia Cardona Roca, Rik van Boeckel. Country: Germany, Iraq, Morocco, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Uruguay Languages: Arabic/ Dutch/ English/ French/ Spanish Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Sunday 15 - 16:00 hrs. Synopsis: Emigrant Poems - Arab and Spanish speaking poets living in Europe.

Participant: Ricardo Cuadros
Country: Chile
Language: Spanish
Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Saturday 14 - since 15 hrs.
Synopsis: A photo shooting that will include portraits in black and white of the participating artists and reportages to the public that attends the several events.

Participant: Rik Van Boeckel
Performance: LOVE & EROS
Country: The Netherlands
Language: Dutch
Place & Date: LA CONDOMERIE - September 2019 - Friday 13 - 21:30 hrs.
Synopsis: The magic love is no longer see them sitting on the banks of the Guadalquivir...

Participant: Rudolf Watzlawik Ceschia
Country: Italy
Language: Italian
Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Friday 13 - 20:30 hrs.
Synopsis: It is the political, cultural, literary memory of a collective self that appropriates of the word of others, it alters it, distorts it to say, perhaps also to understand, what it has inside, or an invisible interior or untold place.

Participant: Silvia Terribili
Country: Italy
Language: English
Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Saturday 14 - 17:30 hrs.
Synopsis: Short intermezzo about how to get smart a in a formless world, greed & grid.

Participant: TEaTRaDE (Migrant Theater)
Country: Colombia - Perú
Language: Spanish
Place & Date: JUAN C. TAJES ART-STUDIO & MICROTEATRO - September 2019 - Friday 13 - 17:00 hrs.
Synopsis: A search for migrants that ended here... Interesting stories to be "heard" and "Seen"! Then the migrants have a face, a name and society changes! - Direction: Els Van Poppel - Actors: Liz Córdoba, Yanet Luján, Victoria Restrepo, Wil Ruiter, Yiseth Victoria Vargas.